How are what3words addresses better than regular street addresses?
There are a number of ways a what3words address can be better than a regular street address. Here’s how they differ:
what3words addresses are: | Street addresses are: |
✅ Precise to a 3 metre square: so you can talk about exact locations, like a specific building entrance | ❌ Often inaccurate and can refer to a whole building or property |
✅ Unique: no two what3words addresses are the same | ❌ Duplicated, frequently within the same area. There are 14 Church Roads in London alone! |
✅ Permanent: our addresses are fixed in place and will never change, helping our system to work on offline devices too | ❌ Liable to change as towns and cities develop – which means databases need to be constantly updated |
✅ Have global coverage: every 3 metre square on the planet has an address, whether that’s a park bench in Korea or a parking spot in Bolivia | ❌ Each country, region and city can have their own system |
✅ Available in 60 languages: billions of people can talk about precise locations, anywhere, in their native language | ❌ Available only in the local language |