Why is my street address taking me to the wrong location or not on the map?


When you type a place name or address into the what3words app or online map, the results are pulled from the geocoding database of your chosen map provider. This could be Google Maps or Apple Maps, for example.

Similar topics:

  • How do I change the default map provider I’m using with what3words?

These databases are sometimes wrong and can be inaccurate – that’s why what3words exists! Using what3words will help you improve on the accuracy by picking the correct 3 metre square.

To do this, move the map and zoom in until you can see the grid, then tap the exact square you need, e.g., the exact building entrance. Switch to satellite view to see more detail. Once you’ve tapped the correct square, the what3words address will display at the bottom of your screen (if you're using an older version of our app, the address will be at the top of your screen).

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